The Messed Up Counsellor

Counsellor Ian Wallace shares advice and support to help you navigate the complicated modern world.

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Monday Dec 25, 2023

We can't always avoid the things that bother us. However, we can often deal with why something is bothering us, and this might be a more realistic and practical resolution to the issue at hand.

Monday Dec 18, 2023

What’s this thing called feelings in relationships?
In this podcast I explore communicating feelings. I often see people whose emotional vocabulary is so limited (or non existent) that they struggle to communicate how they feel in a meangingful way. 

Monday Dec 11, 2023

In episode 2, I talk about partners. Can emotional and intimate partners be everything that we need them to be? Can we be enough for them too? How do we define a good partner? Is it realistic for one person to tick all our boxes?

Thursday Dec 07, 2023

In this short introduction, I explain what you can expect from my new podcast series: The Messed Up Counsellor.

Monday Dec 04, 2023

In the debut episode of my new podcast series, I talk about friendships: Who are really your friends, and who are acquaintances? I share some thoughts about what a friendship looks like, how friends treat each other and how friendships differ from relastionships with colleagues or acquaintances. Is it ok to share different aspects of yourself with different groups?

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